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Bobble Crochet Bracelet ~ Free Pattern

Άλλο ένα βραχιόλι είναι εδώ! 
Για να το φτιάξετε θα χρειαστείτε λίγο νήμα, ένα βελονάκι 2mm, ένα κουμπί, μία βελόνα για να ράψουμε το κουμπί και το παρακάτω πατρόν. Δείτε εδώτην μετάφραση των όρων στα Ελληνικά


ch - chain
st(s) - stich(s)
sc - single crochet
dc- double crochet
sk - skip
Bobble Stitch - dc5tog - double crochet 5 together (see here photo tutorial)
rnd - round
rpt - repeat

hook 2mm

Rnd 1: sc in 2nd loop from the hook and sc into each of next sts

Rnd 2: *ch.3, sk 3 sts, bobble stitch* rpt

Rnd 3: sc into each of next sts
Finish off

Sew a button in the first bobble, and the hole is the first ch. 3.

Happy crafting!

Pacman Key Cover Crochet Pattern

Pacman, αγαπημένο παιχνίδι μικρών και μεγάλων. 
Έτσι κι εγώ αντί να βάλω στο κλειδί ένα πλαστικό κάλυμμα, είπα να πλέξω με βελονάκι ένα pacman. Αυτό που χρειάστηκα είναι το παρακάτω πατρόν, ένα βελονάκι 3mm, λίγο νήμα και τρία μικρά κομμάτια από τσόχα για να φτιάξω τα μάτι και το στόμα.    


ch - chain
st(s) - stich(s)
sc - single crochet

hook 3mm

(MAKE 2)
ch. 2 

Rnd 1: 6 sc into the 1st loop of ch 2 (do not join)turn 

Rnd 2: 2 sc into each of next sts (do not join)turn 

Rnd 3: *2sc, sc* rpt

Leave a long tail when you cut your yarn and sew together.
Use felt for eyes and mouth.

Happy crafting!

DIY Zipper Bracelet

Έχετε σκεφτεί τι μπορεί να φτιάξετε με ένα φερμουάρ? Πολλά... Έτσι και εγώ έφτιαξα ένα βραχιόλι! Με απλά βήματα μπορείτε να αποκτήσετε πρωτότυπα βραχιόλια.
Αυτά που θα χρειαστούμε είναι ένα μεταλλικό φερμουάρ στις διαστάσεις που θέλετε, ένα ψαλίδι, έναν αναπτήρα, κουμπώματα και κάποιο διακοσμητικό στολιδάκι. 
Κόβουμε το ύφασμα από το φερμουάρ με ένα ψαλίδι. Με έναν αναπτήρα περνάμε γύρω - γύρω για να κάψουμε τυχόν κλωστούλες. Βάζουμε τα κουμπώματα και το διακοσμητικό στολιδάκι και έτοιμο το βραχιόλι μας.   

Choose a zipper by your wrist size. Use scissors to cut the excess material away from each side of the zipper until all that's left is the zipper itself. Use a grill lighter to singe the ends of the zipper all around. Secure a crimp on the end of the bracelet and use jewelry pliers to secure the crimp to the zipper tightly. Now we have new bracelet! 

Happy crafting!

How to Care for Crochet

Because you have invested so much time and effort in your crochet, take care when cleaning and storing it. Start by referring to the care instructions on the labels supplied with the yarn.

Care of your crochet project
Keep a thorough record of all projects, including the pattern , the gauge swatch, a small amount of the yarn, and most importantly, a yarn label for each of the yarns used. Care instructions for any special ready-made trimming, ribbons, zipper or snaps should also be included. If you are giving a crochet project as a gift, it is importand to attach care information so that the recipient can look after the item properly. 

Prepering for washing 
Remove any special button or trims that can be damaged by water or dry - cleaning. To retain the shape of openings, baste them closed using a fine cotton yarn that can be easily pulled out when dry. Measure the piece in all directions and record these dimensions so you can mold it into the correct shape when it is still damp.
It is often a good idea to sew a care label to your crocheted items for convenience. This works best for large items such as blankets and garments. Labels can be bought from craft stores, yarn stores and online. Write the care instructions on the label with a permanent marker before attaching it. The label can then be attached securely with a sewing needle and some matching thread. 

Refer to your label for washing instructions. Yarns labeled ''superwash'' or ''mashine washable'' can be washed in a washing machine on a gentle cycle and at a cool temperature.Many yarn labels, however, recommend hand - washing. 
Wash your animal fiber crochet with great care, avoiding friction (rubbing), agitation (swirling the water), and hot water, which can cause felting in wool yarns and damage other fibers.
Dissolve a mild detergent in a large sink full of lukewarm water. Submerge a single item and gently press up and down on it. Soak for a few minutes, then rinse to remove the soapy water.
Squeeze out the water very gently, pressing the item against the sink. Do not wring. Supporting the damp item, move it onto a large towel. Roll in the towel to remove more moisture. 


Dry washed crochet flat on a fresh towel, turning it over occasionally to speed up the process and prevent damage by mildew.
Large items, such as throws, can be dried on the floor, first , cover the floor with a large plastic sheet,then lay towels on top of thiw before positioning the throw.
It may be necessary to replace the towels every so often with dry ones if the item is particulary large or thick, in order to help it dry more quickly.
Mold damp crochet into its correct size and shape before leaving to dry and never leave in direct sunlight or near a heating source. 
Once completely dry, you can block and steam the price if necessary.Never hang up a crocheted item to dry, the weight will cause it to become permanently misshapen and no amount of blocking will restore it to its original shape and size.

Storage and moth control
Check regulary for tellale holes. If storing all summer, place an antimoth product in the drawer or closet with your wool crochet and renew it as directed.
Before repairing a hole in a moth-infested item, place it in the freezer overnight to kill any eggs. Crochet too large for the freezen, such as throws and afghans, can be places all day in the sun to achieve the same result. When a crocheted item is not being used, store it flat. If you hang it up, the stiches will become stretched and any damage will be irreversible. If your crochet is to be stored for any length of time, wrap it in acid-free tissue paper, placing the paper between the folds as well as around the outside.

Taking good care of your crochet project will prolong its life! 

Happy crafting!

Crochet and Cross Stitch Purse ~ Free Pattern

Σταυροβελονία και πλέξη με βελονάκι, το αποτέλεσμα είναι το παρακάτω τσαντάκι-νεσεσέρ. 
Το πατρόν είναι απλό, δοκιμάστε και βάλτε όποια χρώματα θέλετε!


ch - chain
st(s) - stich(s)
sc - single crochet

hook 5mm

Ch. 50
Rnd 1: sc in 2nd loop from the hook and sc into each of next sts
Rnd 2 - 82: ch1, sc into each of next sts

Sew a zipper and start cross stitch with the follow pattern! 

Happy crafting!

Crochet Baby Booties ~ Newborn to 12 mth sizes

Άλλο ένα ζευγάρι πλεκτά παπουτσάκια με βελονάκι είναι εδώ. Το πατρόν είναι δωρεάν και μπορείτε να το βρείτε εδώ. Επίσης μπορείτε να δείτε το video είναι πολύ αναλυτικά και μπορείτε να τα φτιάξετε χωρίς να έχετε ιδιαίτερες γνώσεις στο πλέξιμο με βελονάκι. 

Sole Measurements
8cm sole (newborn to 3 mth old) - use 3.5mm 
9cm sole (3 mth to 6 mth old) - use 4.0mm 
10cm sole (6 mth to 9 mth old) - use 5.0mm 
11cm sole (9 mth to 12 mth old) - use 5.5mm

The pattern is free and you can find it here. Also you can watch the video tutorial 

Puff Stitch Crochet Baby Booties Video Tutorial and Pattern.

Happy crafting!

Simple Baby Booties ~ Free Crochet Pattern


Τα πιο απλά παιδικά παπουτσάκια που μπορείτε να πλέξτε με βελονάκι είναι αυτά. Όπως φαίνεται και στο διάγραμμα απλά πλέκετε ένα Τ και μετά ράβετε τις επιφάνειες όπως αναφέρω παρακάτω. Δοκιμάστε να φτιάξετε και για τα μωρά αλλά και για τους μεγάλους, προσθέτοντας περισσότερες θηλιές.  

The most simple crochet baby booties are these! This pattern creates a simple T shape and you can sew like it looks in the last photo. It is very easy to modify size by adding a few extra chains and rows.

Sole Measurements
8cm sole (newborn to 3 mth old) 
9cm sole (3 mth to 6 mth old)  
10cm sole (6 mth to 9 mth old) 
11cm sole (9 mth to 12 mth old) 

ch - chain
sc - single crochet
st(s) - stich(s)

hook 5mm

Pattern Baby Booties 9mth to 12 mth old~11cm

ch. 36 
Row 1: sc in 2nd loop from the hook and sc into each of next sts 
Row 2-7: ch1, sc into each of next sts
change color (orange) 
Row 8: ch1, sc into each of next sts
Finish off

For the sole start to crochet in the 13th stich and the next 9 stiches. (row 9)
Row 10 - 27: ch1, sc into each of next sts
Finish off
Now you can sew the booties like it looks in the last photo. 

How to sew baby booties 

Happy crafting!

Broomstick Lace Ring ~ Free Crochet Pattern

Φτιάχνουμε τα δικά μας δαχτυλίδια πλέκοντας με βελονάκι. Ακολουθήστε το παρακάτω πατρόν ή δείτε το videoγια να καταλάβετε την τεχνική της συγκεκριμένης πλέξης. Για μετάφραση των όρων από Αγγλικά σε Ελληνικά δείτε εδώ

ch - chain
sc - single crochet
dc- double crochet
st(s) - stich(s)
rpt - repeat

hook 1,25mm
broomstick ~ hook 5mm

Ring Crochet Pattern 

ch. 21

Row 1: sc in 2nd loop from the hook and sc into each of next sts 

Row 2: ch1, sc into each of next sts

Row 3: pull up loop in each sc across, moving loops to broomstick holder, ch1 in last loop to lock st

Row 4: ch 1, working from right to left * insert hook in first 5 loops at once , 5 dc in group rpt from*  

Row 5: ch1, sc into each of next sts, leaving long tail to sew on

If you can't understand this pattern, you can see this video tutorial.

Happy crafting!

DIY Coasters ~ Free Crochet Pattern

Πλέκουμε με βελονάκι και φτιάχνουμε τα δικά μας σουβέρ. 
Αυτό που θα χρειαστούμε για να φτιάξουμε 6 σουβέρ είναι 2 φύλλα φελλού διαστάσεις  25x35cm, 2 κομμάτια τσόχας στις ίδιες διαστάσεις, 3 διαφορετικές κλωστές DMC 25, ένα βελονάκι 2mm και το παρακάτω πατρόν. 

Κόβουμε τα φύλλα φελλού και την τσόχα στις διαστάσεις που θέλουμε, σαν οδηγό μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε ένα μπολ ή μια κούπα.
Ράβουμε μαζί το φελλό και την τσόχα με το παρακάτω τρόπο. Και στην συνέχεια κάνουμε βελονάκι ακολουθώντας το πατρόν.

What we need for these coasters
2 cork sheets 25x35cm
2 felt sheets
scissor, needle
hook 2mm
3 embroidery threads DMC 25

Cut the felt and cork and sew together with blanket stitch.

Crochet Pattern 

ch - chain
sc - single crochet
dc- double crochet
st(s) - stich(s)
rpt - repeat

hook 2mm

4 sc into each of next space
sc in the fist stich, skip 3 sts, 8 dc into next stich ( sc, skip 3 sts, 8dc into next st *rpt) 

Happy crafting!

15 DIY Christmas Ornaments Made with Cinnamon Sticks

Φτιάχνουμε τα πιο μυρωδάτα διακοσμητικά στολίδια για το δέντρο μας από ξυλάκια κανέλας. 

DIY Cinnamon Stick Trees

DIY Cinnamon Stick Santa

DIY Cinnamon Stick Snowman

Snowman Ornaments made from Cinnamon Sticks

DIY Cinnamon Stick Trees

Adorable Cinnamon Stick Tree Ornaments

Christmas DIY Cinnamon Stick Ornament

Make Glittery Cinnamon Stick Star Oranaments

Cinnamon stick reindeer ornament

Spice angel ornament tutorial

Christmas ornaments made with cinnamon sticks and star anise. Cute and smell lovely.

Cinnamon Stick Christmas Tree Ornaments

Natural Christmas Ornament

DIY Tutorial - Christmas Star Ornaments Made From Cinnamon Sticks

Simple Cinnamon Stick Ornaments

Happy crafting!

DIY Christmas Gifts Box ~ 7 Free Printables

15 FREE Necklaces Crochet Patterns

Φτιάξτε τα δικά σας κολιέ πλέκοντας με βελονάκι. 15 δωρεάν πατρόν είναι εδώ, επιλέξτε πιο σας αρέσει και φτιάξτε το! 

Μπορείτε επίσης να δείτε εδώδωρεάν πατρόν για βραχιόλια στο 14 FREE Bracelets Crochet Patterns  αλλά και σκουλαρίκια στο 16 FREE Εarrings Crochet Patterns

Wind wrap

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Lace Crochet Necklace

Michiyo's Necklace Japanese & English version

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Suzi of the Stars: Crochet Ring Necklace Tutorial

A free granny square crochet necklace pattern

Crochet chain necklace

Looking Glass Crocheted Necklace

Homemakin and Decoratin: Little owl necklace

Caracol handmade: Teething flower necklace

Three Ring Necklace

Chunky Twist Torsade Necklace

Love City: Get Hooked! {5} Crochet Flowers

Created in AWE: Fall Colors Crochet Flower Necklace

Flower and beads necklace 

This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Granny Square Necklace

Happy crafting!

Stool Cover ~ 10 Free Crochet Patterns

Pallet Coat Racks ~ 5 DIY Ideas

Ώρα να φτιάξουμε κρεμάστρες τοίχου από παλέτες. Διαλέξτε πιο σας αρέσει και ξεκινήστε τα μαστορέματα.

Time to make coat racks from pallets. Choose which one you like and start crafting.

Learn how to make this coat rack out off pallet wood

 Get a pallet, cut, painted and turned into a coat rack

Whatever their color or style bring an elegance natural that no other material is able to get, details that add personality and
character to the decor.

Pallet coat Racks for kids room

Would be great to hang leashes. But I wouldn't use the string style hanger to hang on the wall. Would use just drilled holes and screws to place on the wall to be more sturdy.

Happy crafting!

Map Wall Decor ~ 5 Ideas

Διακοσμήστε τους τοίχους βάζοντας χάρτες. 5 ιδέες για να αλλάξετε τα απλά κάδρα σας.

Decorate the walls putting maps. 5 ideas to change your simple frames. 

Paint your brick wall white, and leave some bare to make a map.

Happy crafting!

10 Ways to Recycle Old Cutting Boards

Ξαναχρησιμοποιήστε  τους παλιούς πάγκους κοπής αλλάζοντάς τους με τους παρακάτω 10 τρόπους.

Re-use old cutting boards by changing them in the following 10 ways.

DIY Cutting Board Revival
You will need one cutting board and one bowl
Perfect for holding plants outside or inside.

Make a jewellery holder from old cutting board

DIY Chalkboard Cutting Board

DIY kitchen ustensil holder
A creative idea to make original hangers for your kitchen

 Cutting board tablet holder, cute idea for when your following a recipe

Cutting Board Mirrors

See how this old cutting board became a Pottery Barn knockoff

Cutting board and ladel with candle

Key hook made from old cutting board.

Reuse a old cutting board into a coat holder

Recycle a old cutting board and decorating your home!

Heart Home Magazine September 2014

Happy crafting!

Crochet Market Bags ~ 7 FREE Patterns

You won't need to use plastic bags anymore.
Crochet a eco-friendly bag that stretches to hold fruit and vegetables from the market. Also can be used as a beach bag.
Find here 7 free crochet patterns and make your market bag!

 Mint Chocolate Market Bag

DIY Crochet Market Bag Pattern

Crochet Linen Grocery Tote

 Tapestry Crochet Kitty Bag

 Crocheted Produce Bag 

Rainbow Burst Tote

And a Handknit Market Bag .  
Yes..., I know this pattern isn't crochet but I like it!

Happy crafting!

Crochet Baby Girl Bobble Blanket ~ Free Pattern

Time to start preparing for our baby's arrival!
Crocheting a bobble blanket with this pattern.
You will need a 5 mm hook and 6 different colors.


ch - chain
st(s) - stich(s)
sc - single crochet
dc- double crochet
Bobble Stitch - dc6tog - double crochet 6 together 
rnd - round
rpt - repeat

Pattern Baby Bobble Blanket

ch. 73
Rnd 1:  In 2nd ch. from hook sc. Sc in each ch. across, ch 1 turn

Rnd 2:  Sc into the first 3 sts, dc6tog into the next st, sc in the next 3 sts, rpt
change color

Rnd 3:  ch 1, sc in each of next sts  

Rnd 4:  sc, dc6tog into the next st, sc in the next 3 sts, rpt
change color

Rnd 5:  rpt rnd 3 

Rnd 6:  rpt rnd 2 change color

Rnd 7:  rpt rnd 3 

Rnd 8: rpt rnd 4 change color 


Rnd 58: rpt rnd 3

Rnd 59: rpt rnd 4

Rnd 60: sc around every st. all the way around the blanket. 3 sc at each corner st. rpt 4 times
Finish off.

Olso you can see for baby boy bobble blanket free pattern here.

Happy crafting!

17 FREE Egg Cozies Crochet Patterns

It's time to crochet for Easter.
Very easy and very fast projects to add to your Easter table.

Make a cute crochet chick egg cosy with this easy crochet pattern 

Easy egg-warmers, they look like little cupcakes!

Cozy Egg Family from redheart.com

Make egg cozies for you kids, they will love these

source 1/2/3/4

Make some cute beanies for your eggs this Easter!

Batman egg cosy 

Crochet your own egg warmers for easter!
Free pattern with step by step images.

Feel like a warrior and decorate your breakfast table with this easy to crochet egg cozy. Pattern in English and German.

Cute Bunny's keeps the eggs warm. Free Dutch pattern, use google translate and you can easily understand the pattern.

Egg dude hats

Little radish egg cup cosies

Just in time for Easter, some fun bunny shaped egg cozies to dress up your holiday baskets!

Keep boiled eggs for your weekend brunch warm with these adorable crocheted egg cozies.

Happy crafting!

8 FREE Crochet Easter Basket Patterns

8 more free crochet patterns for Easter. 
Choose the basket that you like for your kids and start to crochet.

Peek A Boo Easter Basket 

 Bunny Egg Basket

 Get Your Ducks in a Row

Cute Crochet Bunny Basket Tutorial

This is a really nice crochet bunny Easter basket

 DROPS chicken basket

Looking for an Easter Basket? Why not try this super-simple (but super-cute) Easter Bunny free pattern.  

Free Amigurumi Easter Bunny Basket Pattern 

Happy crafting!

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